Explore Stage | EPIC4 Specialty Partners

Explore Stage

Who are Explore stage doctors?

You are a resident or you are in the initial phase of life and practice as an orthodontist. You have studied, applied, pushed, and focused to finally become an orthodontist. You have so many ideas and so much energy; you strive to continue making significant choices. However, it is clear that the post-school path is less linear and requires more deliberation than ever.

What do doctors in the Explore stage have in common?

Finally some income: learning how to most efficiently pay down debt and invest for your future
You are figuring out if you want to start a practice de novo or transition into an existing practice
Clinically you are seeing more patients and more variety than in school; you need to think faster and see more patients than ever before
You are formulating your treatment plans and dental belief systems; communicating clearly and concisely about your clinical decisions to patients and parents
You are learning and practicing leadership skills in real time: educating and leading your team, navigating personalities and power dynamics within the office
You are learning the office systems and policies through study and osmosis so that decisions are in line with the office manual
You are creating relationships with the community and other dental professionals on behalf of the office
Peer group is dispersing and there is more disparity in your every day lives, you may be seeking a new peer group who can relate to and share with

What are the unique challenges for Explore stage doctors?

The challenges of an Explore stage doctor are direction and debt. Whether still in school or recently graduated, the world is so much bigger than school. Choosing where to live, who to work for or with, what schedule to work and how that blends with family, methodology in clinic and practice, each choice effecting short and long term goals and plans....so many decisions. Then there is the very practical matter of school debt, which is substantial and effects many of the other big decisions and directionality of practice. The goal is to make the best most informed decisions so that life feels balanced and a feel of flow in career settles in.

Debt from college, dental school, and residency
Challenge of moving from the pace of residency to clinical practice
Challenge of taking theoretical knowledge to practical application at a faster pace
Leadership skills are learned in real world time with real world consequences
Time of discovery professionally, in finding your way, mistakes or mischoices can be costly
You are looking to build your network of advisers, colleagues & support.
Finding the right practice, the right culture, the right fit can be arduous and a huge waste of resources
Beginning to put together your group of advisors for financial, legal, practice and personal planning

EPIC4 is the perfect Partner for Explore Stage Doctors

EPIC4 will provide the Explore Stage doctor support beyond what can be found virtually anywhere else. We will partner with you to maximize your daily efficiencies, minimizing the administrative portion of practice ownership. Increased efficiencies will result in increased satisfaction at work and at home.

We have all mentored in the ortho space: a key to early success in your orthodontic career is to make the most educated and most intentional decisions so you reach your short and long terms goals most efficiently
We have systematized our clinical practices to maximize quality and efficiency
We have lead and nurtured teams and have documented best practices
We can help you achieve a high level of financial literacy to best take advantage of your age and income
Scalable growth as a practice owner is possible with great guidance and support. EPIC4 has the proven ingredients to help you expedite your learning curve, skipping the potholes and realizing your dreams ahead of your peers
Finally a model with equity and the option for no additional debt to start a career that builds wealth at a young age
Our model means you will not have to wonder if you will ever be offered partnership since all qualifying doctors are offered equity as you begin your journey with EPIC4. A qualifying doctor is one who is not working for a competitor of an EPIC4 supported practice and who has completed the onboarding process to an EPIC4 supported practice. As opposed to associating with a private practice, waiting several years to "possibly" buy in, your path to partnership with EPIC4 is set at the outset
We have vetted a team of advisors which you can tap into

By joining EPIC4, young orthodontists will have the opportunity to create wealth through ownership the minute they leave school.

Clark D. Colville DDS, MS

Founding Doctor

If you are an

Explore Stage Doctor

Contact us today to find out what EPIC4 can do for you!